A glimpse into a Day in The Life of a Brand Designer
in Harare, Zimbabwe


Discover my daily routine as a brand designer and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of juggling work and fun. I share my secrets to staying productive and energised throughout the day, from my morning meditation to dance breaks between tasks. Join me as we delve into my coloured layers and discover how I keep my mind and body fit.

20 March 2023


My daily routine has changed slightly as I have had to accommodate changes in my work schedule. I have gone from going to the gym in the early morning (I had been a devoted 5 am Club member) and have since transitioned to early evening sessions as of the start of this year. Regardless of the time, I am happy and feel wholesome when I can get a session in!

I typically wake up at 7 am and take time to reflect and meditate. I shower immediately after and settle at my workstation by 8 am. Lighting a scented candle has become a standard practice, so I light one as I make a to-do list in my planner.

After that, I tackle daily administrative tasks like e-mails, work enquiries via my website and direct messages on social media. I prefer to get a head start on these. Then I dive into my coaching work with Flux Academy and other clients/passion projects on my table. I take dance breaks in between because keeping yourself entertained while working is essential.

I practice intermittent fasting, so I make room for my first meal around midday.  I also find time to relax during the day because they don’t tell you that as you approach the 30+ gang (insert emoji with the bead of sweat here), you have to recharge, so I make sure to schedule nap time. 

Meetings fall between Tuesdays and Thursdays, allowing me to allocate time for other tasks and balance work with play. After the gym, I have dinner and start to wind down for the day by watching something on Netflix or catching up on conversations with loved ones. 

A cup of tea is in this mix; by 10:30 pm, I am in bed. I have started keeping my phone a little further away from my bedside as I sleep, so if it rings or my alarm goes off, I have to get up and out of bed and walk towards it. 

This way, I also get to reduce my overall screen time lest I find myself mindlessly scrolling down the rabbit hole that we have come to know as Tik Tok, haha!

Stay connected with Fungi on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram

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