Here’s what a typical day is in the life of a Visual Designer in Ontario, Canada


Join me as I take you behind the scenes into my life as a Visual Designer in Ontario, Canada. From energising morning workouts to designing cutting-edge onboarding screens, I take you on a journey of creativity, inspiration, and productivity. Get ready to be inspired and learn the secrets to designing captivating online experiences.


20 March 2023

When I moved to Canada 4 years ago for college, it was initially challenging to get a job until I started posting my work online, which helped me get contractual gigs from startups and began my visual design career.

Today was yet another day in my life as one. I started my morning routine with a refreshing workout that energised me and set me on the right path for the day ahead. After the training, I switched on my computer to read my emails and prioritise my daily tasks. 

I gathered with my team for a brief meeting to review the progress of our current project, a new game app we were designing. I was eager to hear my team’s input on the project and how to work together to take it to the next level.

Following our meeting, I delved into research to gather inspiration for the design. I scoured the internet, checking out our competitors' applications, analysing their unique features, and taking notes on improving our technique. 

I spent the afternoon designing onboarding screens for the app. I used different layouts, colour palettes, and typography options to find the best fit for our client's project. I also created custom illustrations and graphics to make the website stand out. Throughout the design process, I incorporated the client's brand guidelines, giving the design a distinct and professional appearance.

After a successful morning, I took a well-deserved break to recharge and enjoy a delicious meal. During my break, I watched a movie to unwind and refresh my mind for the next phase of work.

As the end of the day approached, I reviewed my designs with my team and received feedback. We collaborated to make some changes, taking note of each other's suggestions. Seeing how the design had progressed since the morning meeting was satisfying, and I was pleased with the outcome.

Overall, it was a productive and fulfilling day. I enjoy bringing ideas to life and creating designs that help people's online experiences. I went to bed feeling inspired and ready
to face whatever came my way.

Stay connected with Cynthia on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram

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